ICD-10 CM Code M02.1
M02.10 Postdysenteric arthropathy, unspecified site
M02.11 Postdysenteric arthropathy, shoulder
M02.12 Postdysenteric arthropathy, elbow
M02.13 Postdysenteric arthropathy, wrist
M02.14 Postdysenteric arthropathy, hand
M02.15 Postdysenteric arthropathy, hip
M02.16 Postdysenteric arthropathy, knee
M02.17 Postdysenteric arthropathy, ankle and foot
M02.18 Postdysenteric arthropathy, vertebrae
M02.19 Postdysenteric arthropathy, multiple sites
Excludes Type 1
- Behçet's disease (M35.2)
- direct infections of joint in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere (M01.-)
- postmeningococcal arthritis (A39.84)
- mumps arthritis (B26.85)
- rubella arthritis (B06.82)
- syphilis arthritis (late) (A52.77)
- rheumatic fever (I00)
- tabetic arthropathy [Charcôt's] (A52.16)
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